Monday, April 4, 2011


Dear Brothers and Sisters from Namutamba Dem. School,


Psalm 147:1
‘How good it is to sing praises to our God, how pleasant and fitting to praise him!’

It is time to get to business regarding the celebration of 75 years of Namutamba Demonstration School. Join the bandwagon.

William Kituuka

Dear all,
This is an appeal to all of us through the ‘Namutamba Spirit’ to come together to Celebrate 75 years of existence of our great school. We need to have a Steering Committee to guide us through. It is of utmost importance that we all sacrifice and have the name of Namutamba Demonstration come back to life.

Thank you.
William Kituuka
O. B


I. Summary Statement
Namutamba Demonstration School has made 75 years of existence and there is need to celebrate its achievements as well as re-discover its strength by giving it a big push to meet the challenges ahead.

II. Introduction
Namutamba Demonstration School started as a community school to cater for children of Estate employees of the Lea Wilson’s in 1936 and now it has a number of challenges which call for our cooperative effort to see it meet the expectations of a school of its status.

III. Problem Statement
The school has a number of infrastructures in poor shape; the teachers’ houses are in appalling situation, many of the school facilities are in a poor shape hence cannot enhance the excellence of the children, the school does not have a single a computer, children don’t grow food yet there is land that can be utilized to see them have food, the sports grounds are in a poor shape and need to be worked on, sports equipment lacking, toilets need to be worked on, water is fetched from the valley yet there can be water harvesting from the school buildings, the welfare of teachers is poor, there is need to boost it, a sick bay needs to be equipped and a school nurse in place, there is need to increase on the non-teaching staff from a force of only two, there is need to procure a machine to help in the production of children’s periodical examinations, putting up a kitchen worth the status of the school and improving boarding facilities and lighting at night for the children.

IV. Goal & Objectives
1) To have the status of the School uplifted given the number of years it has been in place and the products from it,
2) To boost the facilities that can enhance better learning of the children,
3) To see that crop and animal husbandry are undertaken for better nutrition of the children,
4) To see to good health and hygiene of the children,
5) To cater for the welfare of the teachers so as to boost their morale,
6) To implement vocational training,
7) To make the school as competitive as other well established performing schools,
8) To get friends who can give a hand to boost the school.
9) To get as many old students have a feeling to contribute to the welfare of their former school.

V. Methods
i. Mobilizing the old students of the school to contribute to the effort of seeing their former school shine again,
ii. To reach out locally and internationally to seek financial and material assistance for the school,
iii. To get the members of Namutamba Community actively involved in the innovations to see the school better,
iv. To properly plan what we would like the school to be like,
v. To make fundraising functions.
VI. Budget
You will appreciate; I am not on ground so it is difficult for me to come up with a budget, but I think this can be worked on when many of us get interested in this subject. We all need to play an active role. There is no politics in this, as long as you went through or ever attended at Namutamba your ideas are most welcome.

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